Science teachers, looking for an engaging way to get students acquainted with inquiry-based investigations? GLOBE is an evolving worldwide network of schools and scientists interested in expanding enthusiasm for environment and earth system learning.

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) mission is to promote the teaching and learning of science, enhance environmental literacy and stewardship, and promote scientific discovery. The program desires to enhance awareness, contribute to scientific understanding, connect and inspire the next generation, and promote student research in environmental and earth science.

GLOBE began in 1995  by numerous governmental agencies and other partners. Since then it has expanded through U.S. government bilateral agreements to over 100 other countries. Since its inception its received  numerous awards including the 2004 Goldman Sachs Foundation Prize for Excellence in International Education. GLOBE is believed to have reached over 24,000 schools and 1.5 million students worldwide.

GLOBE allows students, teachers, and program partners to:

  • share data with others via the Internet
  • publish the results from research projects
  • create maps and graphs of GLOBE data on the GLOBE website
  • collaborate with other GLOBE students and scientists around the world
  • professional development workshops
  • Teacher’s Guide, “how-to” videos, and curriculum materials
  • Train-the Trainer workshops

GLOBE has been found to increase student scientific awareness of their environment through numerous hands-on local research projects that involve measuring, analyzing data, and participating in research in collaboration with scientists. GLOBE hopes to inspire potential future scientists and researchers for industry, academia, and government through its worldwide community of students, teachers, scientists, and citizens working together to better understand, sustain, and improve Earth’s environment at local, regional, and global scales.

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