Feasibility Study of the Chunga Ranger Training in Kafue National Park




Feasibility Study of the Chunga Ranger Training in Kafue National Park

Integra conducted a detailed and independent Feasibility Study of the Chunga Training Center (CTC) to inform USAID/Zambia’s decisions concerning potential future support for the center. The assessment aimed to determine if a business case could be made for the continued operations and sustainability of the center, as well as recommend the most costeffective option(s) for improving and maintaining the physical infrastructure. The feasibility study found that there is a need for conservation training, however, in its current state, the CTC does not have the capacity to satisfy this demand. An improved facility could effectively recruit and train new wildlife protection officers and community scouts and continue the development of existing rangers in a manner that generates revenue. However, this would require enhancement of the workforce and new or dramatically upgraded infrastructure and training facilities. Additionally, the assessment team found demand for the creation of a new research station for visiting researchers, and additional engagement to support the tourism section, both of which would enhance the quality of the center and could create additional revenue streams.

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