Delivering Evidence

Based Impact

Delivering Evidence

Based Impact

Development Analytics

We focus on providing responsive, flexible, and results-driven analytics to inform evidence-based program planning, design, and implementation.

  1. Fit-for purpose analytical tools:  Integra is recognized for applying analytical tools that provide strong evidence-based analysis that is academically grounded, field-tested and results-oriented.
  2. Comprehensive data collection:  We apply scientific rigor and cutting-edge technology to provide high-quality and low-cost quantitative and qualitative data collection.  We employ operational capabilities for data collection, enabling us to monitor the quality of incoming data and make real-time changes.
  3. Data synthesis and visualizations:  We can turn complex data and metrics into easy-to-create data visualizations and web-based tools that provide users with the ability to easily capture, understand data.  This includes map-based geospatial data, statistical and quantitative information on graphs and charts and infographics.

Analytical and Support Services:

Technical Assistance – Integra focuses on effective planning efforts to promote program efficiencies. Through extensive desk research and field work, Integra helps identify status and needs, key current reform efforts, and private sector perspectives and initiatives. Based on these findings, Integra provides long-term technical assistance to develop and support programming.

Project Design & Implementation – Sector or geographical specific assessments provide recommendations that aim to improve existing projects and inform designs for future activities. These assessments typically focus on three key tasks:

  • Gauging the efficiency and effectiveness of current activities.
  • Assessing opportunities to achieve strategic objectives.
  • Developing recommendations for future technical assistance.

Tools & Methods:

We utilize several analytical tools and methodologies.

Inclusive Growth Diagnostic (IDGs)
Institutional Architecture Assessments
Applied Political Economy Assessments (PEA)
Cost-Benefit (CBA) & Cost-Effectiveness (CEA) Analysis

Private Sector Engagement

There is growing recognition within the private sector of the need for, and benefits of, investing in developing and emerging markets. Governments are expanding efforts to diversify their economies and connecting with private capital for investment; while the increasing scale, length, and frequency of disasters, conflicts, and pandemics around the world makes it difficult for humanitarian actors alone to address the complex needs of crisis-affected people. Together, these trends provide an opportunity to directly engage with the private sector to support countries on their Journey to Self-Reliance.

Integra implements a range of PSE activities that recognize the roles of both the private sector and development partners as co-creators of development solutions. Our approaches help to increase collaboration with the private sector to create far-reaching development impact.

Integra’s PSE approach includes:

  • Strategically reviewing and mapping private sector landscapes.
  • Devising unique approaches to private sector outreach that accelerate partnerships and investment.
  • Exploring, developing, and testing models and examples of the role PSE can play in improving livelihoods.
  • Conducting market research and delivering cutting-edge digital technologies and innovative market-based solutions to development challenges.
  • Facilitating linkages with (and within) the private sector to support development of inclusive market systems.
  • Developing detailed private sector engagement strategies and action plans for Missions and Bureaus.
  • Identifying and strategically connecting with significant private philanthropic resources.
  • Working directly with Mission staff to incorporate PSE in project co-design and CDCS development.
  • Collaborating with USG inter-agency offices (i.e. Development Finance Corporation) to achieve development objectives with the private sector.
  • Partnering with the private sector to rebuild in post-conflict areas.

Tools & Methods:

  • Private Sector Landscape Assessments
  • Strategy development
  • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • PSE trainings, workshops, and webinars

Feature Stories:

Middle East Bureau Support for Private Sector Engagement (PSE)

Assisting the Government Of Vietnam In Developing New Law On Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Monitoring and Evaluation

At Integra, we believe that Monitoring and Evaluation lie at the heart of effective international development and humanitarian programs.

Portfolio and Program Evaluation – Integra applies rigor, modern data collection techniques, and a commitment to blended learning to deliver the feedback and information needed to strengthen programing to maximize impact. Integra provides a variety of mixed methodology approaches to inform decisions related to project design, management and operations.  Descriptive, recommendation-focused, and cause-and-effect questions are addressed in the process.

Oversight and Monitoring – Integra understands that relevant indicators, targets, and processes must be put in place during the project development cycle to enable the M&E of programs, and to adjust mid-course as necessary. Further, to assist data reporting, sufficient guidance must be provided for collecting specific indicators to enable subsequent analysis and learning.

Data Collection – Integra employs modern mixed method data collection techniques, including computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) systems and geographic information systems (GIS). We employ mobile devices with offline operational capabilities for data collection, enabling us to regularly monitor the quality of incoming data and make course corrections as necessary. We also offer geospatial analysis and mapping capabilities to supplement and enhance on-the-ground data collection.

Our expertise spans a wide range of M&E activities, tools, and methods including:

  •  Performance Monitoring Systems Support
  •  Portfolio and Program Performance Evaluations
  •  Whole-of-project (WOPE) Evaluations
  •  Impact Evaluations
  •  Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
  •  Conducting Inclusive Growth Diagnostics (IGDs)
  •  Building International MEL Systems
  •  Building Local MEL Systems
  •  Facilitating Political Economy Workshops
  •  Integrating Information, Communication and Technology into Program Design
  • Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA)

Monitoring and Evaluation Lie at the Heart of efficient and effective projects

Information and Communications Technology


Since founded in 2010, Integra’s work in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector has improved policy, increased access, and decreased barriers to broadband and ICT services in underserved areas of the world. We have worked with donors and government partners to develop national broadband plans, assisted universal service funds (USFs) to improve procurement mechanisms and procedures, conducted ICT gap analyses, and performed several national-level ICT sector assessments. Our ICT work has been focused in three primary areas:

  1. Increasing access to rural broadband
  2. Developing national broadband policy
  3. Supporting the use of ICT for knowledge management

By providing analytical support and technical services to Governments and USFs, Integra enables telecommunications services to expand in line with international best practices for investment decision making, procurement, and monitoring and evaluation. This includes developing public-private-partnerships to improve the availability and affordability of ICT services.


Our work in ICT has expanded ICT services throughout the developing world, facilitating access to over 4.7 million people. We have also leveraged over $1.2 billion in public and private investment, expanding telecommunications infrastructure and services to those without access. For example:

  • In Colombia, Integra developed a strategic framework for the national Universal Service Fund resulting in $400 million in investments under contract as a direct result of our work.
  • In Indonesia, Integra advised BP3TI to invest $596 million from its Universal Service Fund to complete the Palapa Ring undersea fiber optic cable to unserved regions.
  • In Nigeria, our work on broadband expansion connected over four million people to the Internet.

By identifying and addressing ICT gaps and improving the enabling environment for ICTs, Integra helps countries and donors expand their reach of services and improve service delivery, thereby facilitating improved development outcomes across the board.


USAID ASEAN Connectivity through Trade and Investment – In partnership with Nathan Associates, Integra provided legal and regulatoryreform support to ASEAN, organizing a series of workshops with a focus on Universal Service, ICT Access, and Spectrum Management Policy.

USAID Global Broadband and Innovations (GBI) Program

Task Order 1:  Sub-Saharan Africa USF Support

  • Kenya National Broadband Plan – Assisted the Communications Commission of Kenya to host a 50-person interagency working group,providing technical assistance to develop the National Broadband Plan and Operating Manual for the USF.
  • Ghana Digital Divide Study – Designed and implemented a digital divide study of over 5,000 households to assist the Government of Ghana in better targeting investment for rural connectivity.
  • Nigeria Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) Strategic Management Plan – Integra provided advisory services to develop the Strategic Management Plan (2013-2017) as well as a complete M&E system and training to support USPF staff to deliver services.

Task Order 2:  Core Program Support

  • ICT Sector Assessments – Conducted multiple national-level ICT and Rural Broadband Assessments for Colombia, Guatemala, and Tajikistan.
  • USAID “Tech Talks” – Developed and hosted a series of seven “Tech Talk” workshops focusing on various ICT4D applications to agricultural value chains, PPPs, and youth.
  • GBI Portal Development – Design and managed the GBI Portal, an online resource and collaboration platform consisting of 11 sub-domains toeducate USAID staff and the public on ICT for development (ICT4D) applications. The portal attracted over 53,000 unique visitors with 164inbound links from ICT practitioners around the world.
  • Compartel’s Strategic Management Plan – Developed a framework and project design for the lead implementer of Columbia’s USF Program.

Task Order 3:  Legal and Regulatory Reform

  • Indonesia National Broadband Plan – In close consultation with Bappenas, Integra’s local team helped develop Indonesia’s National Broadband Plan including the extension of the Palapa Ring, the launch of a national rural access network, for which Integra later supported the pilot exercise, as well as supporting several USF reforms.
  • Peru Digital Divide Study – Prepared a digital divide study for Peru’s USF, Fitel, to identify areas of demand for ICT services, and help design investment programs for rural connectivity.
  • Philippines USF Planning -In collaboration with Intel Corporation, Integra conducted workshops and planning meetings with the Philippines Commission on ICT to identify issues and objectives in support of developing a USF Program. This included a detailed memo and presentation to the Commission on ICT to identify options for USF policy and associated tasks.
  • Nigeria ICT Gap Analysis – Worked with the Nigeria USPF to identify 36.8 million people without commercially viable ICT services. Advised the USPF on implementing a Cluster Strategy for selecting investments to extend a fiber optic cable build out program.
  • Indonesia TVWS Pilot – In partnership with NetHope Inc. and Microsoft Corporation, Integra supported Indonesia’s Ministry of ICT to design,launch, and evaluate a pilot of wireless broadband technology using television white space (TVWS) to deliver rural broadband connectivity.The results of the pilot were used to draw up a $34 Million Phase 2 pilot that was funded through Indonesia’s USF.
  • Ukraine USF Support – Integra delivered training to government staff in Ukraine and Moldova on the process of establishing a USF, including the legislative and regulatory measures required to promote broadband outside of major cities.

USAID ProICT Strengthening the Liberia Telecommunications Authority – In partnership with DAI’s Digital Frontiers Team, Integra supported the Liberian Telecommunications Authority to improve its regulatory standards of television white space (TVWS), modernize regulations for deploying fiber optic cables, and strengthen the operations of its USF, among other technical advisory services.

MCC ICT Support Project – To help MCC better understand the impact of ICT development projects in its investments, Integra produced a Digital Ecosystem Paper and ICT Typology of Interventions, assisting MCC in selecting public sector interventions in the IC Space. Integra also conducted an ICT Constraints Analysis, a Systems Dynamics model, and workshop for generalist MCC Staff, as well as a Political Economy Assessment that helped inform the design the current MCC Togo Threshold Program.

MCC Togo Oversight and Support – Following providing inputs to the Togo Threshold Program, Integra currently provides oversight and management support to the Togo Threshold including reviewing deliverables and ongoing M&E of both Threshold programs, including the ICT Project. To date, this work has included drafting inputs to the Request for Proposals for the implementing partners to be procured, as well as technical assistance to ensure that ICT needs and services are considered throughout.

Knowledge Management

Integra recognizes that effective knowledge management and sharing can leverage and enhance the utility of data, evaluations, research, assessments, and pilots. By synthesizing, tracking, and reporting project findings, development decisions are better informed and have greater impact.

Integra provides a blended knowledge management approach to facilitate evidence-based decision-making, learning, and adaptive management among our clients. Our blended approach combines independent, virtual, and in-person learning tools, trainings, and techniques to maximize accessibility.

Our approach combines three key elements:

  1.  Independent learning
  2.  Virtual interaction
  3.  In-person engagement

This approach recognizes that individuals have different comfort levels with knowledge sharing approaches; some prefer face-to-face interactions or lack the time to participate in online communities, while others prefer access to online resources.

Key tenants of our knowledge management practice include the following values:

  • Building Leadership is an important part of strengthening and institutionalizing knowledge management and sharing and establishing trusting relationships within organizations and beyond with key partners and stakeholders.
  • Facilitating collaboration and leadership opportunities, by building local partnerships and the various roles and functions that may need to play given the importance of leadership and broad engagement.
  • On-the-Job Coaching and Training – Collaboration and learning are worthwhile pursuits, yet those investments will only yield maximum results when an organization systematically applies lessons learned into actionable improvements.
  • Communities of Practice help people to capitalize on different mechanisms for capturing and sharing knowledge and creating spaces of trust for people to share, assist one another through challenges, and stay current in their field.
  • Supporting learning agenda development and refinement to address knowledge gaps. This could include working closely with the client to craft learning questions, developing data collection plans, and implementing activities to address data gaps.

Tools & Methods:

All learning tools and techniques are interactive, adult learning methodologies, and reinforce our core principles of intersectionality, systems-thinking, data-driven decision-making, and knowledge.

Blended Learning Tools:

Independent Learning Virtual Interaction In-Person Engagement
Downloadable job aidsInteractive e-learning modulesTraining sessions
Reports/ evaluation synthesesWebinarsMission-to-Mission training
Data visualization and infographics Virtual help desksJoint design and delivery models
Videos and podcasts Social Media Participation in knowledge management events
Communities of practice

Enabling Environment Reform

Economic development can be stunted by a lack of governance and enabling policy, unbalanced markets and trade barriers, insufficient capital, relevant workforce capacity, and inconsistent regulation among other things.  We promote enabling environments with sound legal, regulatory, and institutional environments, as they are the prerequisites to inclusive economic growth and self-reliance.

To assess and combat these barriers we apply targeted and customizable analytical tools and implementation support to identify, diagnose, and reform enabling environment constraints that hinder efficient functioning across a number of sectors.  Understanding these constraints is essential to understanding why actors behave the way they do, and reasonably predict how they will behave in response to interventions.  The resulting enabling environment improvements lead to increased investments, job creation, and business growth globally.

Tools & Methods:

Based on the Commercial Legal and Institutional Reform (CLIR) framework, Integra offers several diagnostic tools that examine the systematic limitations that restrict productivity across different sectors, including agriculture, environment and gender.  These tools help with the following:

  1. Understanding the constraints to doing business.
  2. Estimating the scale and nature of impact from business environment reforms on the sector.
  3. Recommending and prioritizing reform activities that fit within investment criteria and that would have the greatest impact on economic growth.
  4. Identifying the scale and difficulty of implementing reforms.

Supporting Inclusive Economic Growth and Promoting Governance Foundations for Investment

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