Mobile Money for Women: Greater Mobile Adoption or Development of Specific Services?

Customers using mobile money

Photo Credit: The Guardian

GSMA, through its mWomen program, has invested its resources in expanding the knowledge of why there is such a large gender gap in developing countries. As stated in the report entitled “Women & Mobile: A Global Opportunity” (written by Vital Wave Consulting), there is gap between male and female mobile phone ownership in low and middle-income countries which totals 300 million. The report also includes results from surveys about why women did not own mobile phones – cost, need, fear of technology, and cultural issues. In terms of mobile money, there seems to a clear benefit to families if mothers have access to formal financial services. This includes the ability to save and make payments. Research from around the world has shown that mothers are more likely than husbands to spend more on the health and education of their children. But, as shown in the large gender gap, women do not have the same access to mobile money simply because they are lacking the hardware in order to utilize the services. As the work to close the gap continues, it is important to understand how women are using mobile money. This allows for products and services to be designed for women and their needs and desires. Today there are clear examples of mobile money being leveraged by women in developing countries.

As written about last month on this blog, women in Eastern Kenya are utilizing mobile money to make payments into informal savings groups. It also has been used to make payments into a women’s co-operative in Zimbabwe. The convenience of sending payments via mobile money has allowed women to focus on their businesses and/or their families. Traveling long distances to markets not longer limits their ability to make payments on time. These are two examples in which women have decided to fold mobile money into their informal financial services. This is a clear sign that women are seeking more formalized financial services, specifically focused around convenience of mobile payments. Since they have limited access to services that men has access to, like bank accounts, they are using mobile money in innovative ways to make up for the lack of services they have.

So there is a large gap in mobile ownership between men and women. And women do not have access to some of the financial services provided to men. But there are examples of women creating their own services via mobile money. So the question is: if we want to increase women’s access to formal financial services via mobile money, should we focus more on increasing women’s mobile phone ownership or should the focus be on developing mobile banking services specifically for women? This is a difficult question, particularly because the elephant in the room is their husbands. And this elephant is preventing both issues: low mobile ownership and access to formal financial services.

As mentioned in an interview with Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women’s World Banking, women have requested greater confidentiality. The goal of their request is to keep their husbands out of their finances. Mobile money is a possible way for women to hide money from their husbands, if they control the phone or own a separate one. If it is a shared phone, the ability to hide money from their husband becomes harder. This would be a reason to push harder to increase mobile ownership. But ownership with not immediately mean that women will begin to have financial freedom. Clearly mobile ownership needs to be pushed further but understanding the cultural dynamics in each country and region will be important in the development of future mobile banking products and services for women.

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