Mid-Term Evaluation of the Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project




Mid-Term Evaluation of the Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project

Under USAID’s REPLACE IDIQ, Integra’s evaluation team conducted a mid-term performance evaluation of USAID’s $20 Million, four-year project, Supporting Forests and Biodiversity (SFB) in northeastern Cambodia. The SFB project aimed to mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity through improved conservation and forest governance. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the SFB project design, implementation, and management approach, as well as to propose recommendations for USAID and implementing partners.

Over the course of six weeks, the team analyzed the efficacy of varying technical approaches that were implemented; communal land titling, enterprise development, strengthening protected areas management, working at national vs. local levels, and small grants. In total, key informant and community interviews were conducted with over 30 organizations and agencies, in 14 communities and six commune councils. Through the evaluation, Integra made several recommendations that included: an overall strengthening of protected area management; stronger, more proactive policy work in support of the technical approaches to be more effective; refine the monitoring and evaluation tools and make all indicators SMART; and expand capacity building amongst communities and government officials to ensure sustainability of the project.

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