USAID Liberia 118/119 Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Assessment




USAID Liberia 118/119 Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Assessment

Under the REPLACE IDIQ, Integra was awarded a task order to conduct the Tropical Forests and Biodiversity (FAA Sections 118/119) Assessment for USAID Liberia to inform the Mission’s development of the FY2019-2023 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS). The Tropical Forest and Biodiversity analyses are mandatory requirements of the Foreign Assistance Act 118(e) and 119 (d) which requires country-level analysis of actions necessary to achieve conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests and biodiversity. It is an important early step in identifying opportunities to use integrated approaches that support both biodiversity conservation and improved development outcomes. Given the Ebola crisis in 2014 – 2015, it was particularly important to consider the connection between ecosystem health and human health. The assessment also evaluated the threat of climate change to forests and biodiversity.

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