USAID’s Compartel Strategic Plan 2013-2017


USAID’s Compartel Strategic Plan 2013-2017

Integra provided consulting services to the Colombian Ministry of ICT (MinTIC) to generate a new strategic plan for the public social telecommunications organization Compartel.

Compartel was the lead implementer of Colombia’s national ICT plan Vive Digital, which had just awarded contracts that would allocate hundreds of millions of dollars of public sector funds, leveraging even more private sector funding, to bring connectivity to every local area in Colombia. This was the successful outcome of a long process, and there was a decision to be made as to whether Compartel’s Mission was complete.

With Integra support, MinTIC realized that a significant amount of work remained to be done to ensure that potential users would be ready to use the connectivity when it became available, and that the signal could be distributed locally. The ultimate outcome was a strategic plan that contributed to a restructuring of the organization and a continuation of MinTIC support for rural access.

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