Youth on Climate Change

Photo Credit: Climate EduXchange


How should we engage youth in discussing climate change and how it affects our lives? Climate EduXchange, a partnership between TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and Dell Inc, wishes to do just that in India.

TERI has for a long time been involved in educating youth on environmental issues through its Youth Education and Action Group that has “been working with educational institutions to sensitize students to the environment, inculcate the right values and attitudes about the environment in them, and help them grow as responsible citizens of the world.” TERI chose India for implementing this project because of its great geographical and climatic diversity that is impacted in varying ways throughout all sectors of life.

Climate EduXchange reaches out to students, teachers and the community on the key issue of climate change through information and communication technology by providing a platform (interactive project website) for “students from identified parts of the country to share information and ideas across disciplines – about how climate change is affecting them, and how India might best secure a path towards sustainable development.” The project is time-bound, with a structured methodology for rolling out the program in each city. Climate EduXchange is currently taking place in Shimla, Jaipur, Mumbai, Puducherry, Medak, Mysore, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mohali, and Prune.

On the website there are useful lesson plans, radio broadcasts, and videos that can be used in the classroom. Through this platform students have the opportunity to improve  upon their technical skills by managing webpages and forums using the computers and Internet facilities provided. Climate EduXchange has spawned new activities including project resources, student exchange, competitions, outreach, and workshops.

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