Supporting Youth and Women Entrepreneurship Mid-Term Evaluation


September 2020




Integra conducted a mid-term performance evaluation (MTE) of the Supporting Youth and Women Entrepreneurship (YES-Georgia) Program. Specifically, the evaluation summarized YES-Georgia’s successes and areas that could have been improved to inform the new iteration of the YES-Georgia Activity, which focuses exclusively on female beneficiaries (as opposed to women and youth). There were two kickoff meetings with the Mission and IP, Crystal Fund, respectively, and the team prepared an evaluation design report. Following USAID’s approval of the Evaluation Design Report (EDR), an in-brief presentation was held with the Mission to discuss the evaluation requests and methodology, soliciting positive feedback from the Acting Deputy Mission Director and Office of Economic Growth staff on the design.

Subsequently, Integra was heavily involved in data collection to inform the MTE. The evaluation team conducted key informant interviews (KIIs) with targeting stakeholders, including IP staff and trainers, Government officials, staff from financial institutions that had not yet worked with the IP, and USAID staff. To enhance this effort and adjust during the COVID-19 pandemic, the team administered an online survey to beneficiaries and local partners, receiving 188 responses regarding YES- Georgia training and micro-equity loans. Lastly, partner network firms conducted a separate online survey to understand how the private sector viewed the YES-Georgia internships.

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