USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE III)


USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE III)

Between mid-October and the end of November 2016, a team of twelve experts organized by Integra undertook a mid-term performance evaluation of the third phase of USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE III).

CARPE III sought to promote economic development, poverty alleviation, improved governance, and natural resources conservation in Central Africa, and aimed to achieve this Development Objective through four Intermediate Results:

  1. Targeted forest landscapes sustainably managed;
  2. Threats to biodiversity in targeted forest landscapes mitigated;
  3. Policy and regulatory environments supporting sustainable forest and biodiversity conservation established; and
  4. Capacity to monitor forest cover change, greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity strengthened.

This was a complicated evaluation, involving eight field programs (the “CARPE Landscapes”) and four analytical and technical support activities in four countries: the USA, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Republic of Congo (RoC) and Rwanda, with six weeks in the field.

Although a mid-term evaluation is generally intended to evaluate performance to date, to ensure that an activity was on schedule to meet its intended goals, USAID had specific requirements necessary to satisfy financial partners that address program impact (e.g., assessments of effectiveness). The Integra Evaluation Team was able to generate and analyze enough information to identify those areas that are most likely to succeed and those that are most at risk of not meeting goals.

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