USAID’s Global Broadband and Innovations Program


USAID’s Global Broadband and Innovations Program

As institutional contractors to USAID’s Office of Energy and Infrastructure, Integra strengthens USAID’s position globally in the ICT for Development (ICT4D) sphere through the:

  • Building and maintenance of a global ICT4D portal with 11 sectoral subdomains, active blogs, and a document repository holding thousands of references.
  • Production of a series of “Tech Talks” within USAID focusing on various ICT applications in development. The aim was to expose Washington bureaus to new applications for ICT that would be relevant to their development projects.
  • Development of an assessment methodology to evaluate the ICT enabling environment in a country, and implemented it in Guatemala and Colombia, among others.
  • Provision of Public Financial Management (PFM) assessments to support governments working to expand ICT capacity to serve rural and otherwise unserved populations in Indonesia and Kenya.
  • Creation and implementation worldwide of a system to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of telecommunications universal service funds. We also refined and promulgated a 9-step system for universal service fund development.
  • Management of a relationship with Intel Corporation that led to the co-hosting of 10 workshops around the world on universal access to broadband over a four- year period.

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