In 2024, Integra was awarded USAID Indonesia’s Health Technical Assistance Project II (BANTU II). BANTU II  is a five-year task order awarded to Integra in partnership with FHI 360. BANTU II  provides specialized technical assistance to support USAID Indonesia’s health programs and CDCS strategies, the Government of Indonesia, sub-national government, NGOs, CSOs, academic institutions, and other research institutes. Additionally, BANTU II coordinates a diverse pool of professionals and organizations with specialized expertise that may be lacking in the health systems but are critical to the success of Indonesian public health programs.

In support of start up efforts, Integra assigned Ganyapak (Pin) Thanesnant, the Activity Project Director/Contract Manager, to travel to Jakarta, Indonesia in early April to meet with the local team and ensure the smooth launch and onboarding of additional staff. The visit included conducting orientations for the staff, implementing the work plan and other critical deliverables, establishing compliance and reporting systems, reconciling financial and results tracking systems, among other tasks. Additionally, Ms. Thanesnant met with USAID/Indonesia representatives to discuss progress updates, country registration, project pipeline, and other important matters.

Throughout BANTU II’s first year, the team has successfully onboarded it’s key personnel and kicked off its first nine task orders. Through three overall objectives, BANTU II will provide rapid and targeted technical assistance, meeting and logistics facilitation support, and targeted capacity building assistance and support to meet USAID/Indonesia’s objectives.

  1. Objective 1: Provide short-term and long-term technical assistance
  2. Objective 2: Arrange meetings and provide other logistics
  3. Objective 3: Support local organizations to address gaps in their organizational capacity

The majority of tasks orders thus far received have been related to objectives 1 and 3.

In December 2022, MCC’s Board of Directors identified Senegal as eligible for a new regional country compact. Throughout 2023, under the MCC Economic Analysis (EA) BPA Constraints Analysis Task Order, Integra provided analytical support to aid the selection of the Compact’s sector of focus.

In late 2023, Integra was further engaged to support the co-design and developing concept notes for the Compact using a Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) process. The assignment was to utilize PDIA to help MCC and the Government of Senegal (GoS) jointly arrive at concepts for investment that are locally owned and driven, thereby increasing the likelihood of the long-term success and sustainability of projects and any associated reforms. The initial analytical support and the PDIA process built on existing research that fed into a Root Cause Analysis – resulting in a Compact that was evidence-based and supported throughout the ecosystem of stakeholders.

The primary objectives of the assignment were to identify restrictions to productivity and competitiveness within the selected sector – that are narrowly defined, highly detailed, have regional salience, and are well targeted to marginalized groups. This meant facilitation of a co-creation process between MCC and the GoS, through which the GoS generates a set of proposals for interventions that:

  1. Promote inclusive economic prosperity for Senegal and the region – through the Blue Economy and selected sub-sector – as well as environmental sustainability,
  2. are meaningfully linked to a set of separately developed “concepts” and
  3. Enjoy strong support across the government and key stakeholders.

Additionally, given that the PDIA methodology is relatively new to MCC, a secondary objective was to build PDIA understanding and skills for select MCC staff members.

The Integra Team designed a custom PDIA process for the assignment based on the MCC and Senegalese teams’ unique operating environment, challenges, and strengths. The assignment began with 1) initial remote advisory support during an inception process of engagement and dialogue between MCC and the GoS, and the hiring of a Compact Development Team (CDT) in-country under the already hired National Coordinator, 2) in-depth analysis of large macroeconomic datasets to inform sub-sector selection within the Blue Economy, and 3) a kickoff workshop outlining PDIA roles and goals, building team cohesion and trust, and allowing stakeholders to ask questions or present their concerns or interests.

The assignment continued throughout 2024, with Integra providing ongoing PDIA support during subsector selection, stakeholder engagement, and problem identification. In May 2024, it included a week-long Root Cause Analysis workshop where the Integra team worked with MCC and key GoS representatives to develop fishbone diagrams and ensure that MCC investment criteria were considered.

The work concluded with a comprehensive final report on lessons learned and recommendations for PDIA at MCC. To ensure knowledge dissemination, a brownbag event is tentatively scheduled for August 2024 to share these lessons learned with the MCC EA division.

In June 2024, Integra closed out the USAID Asia Emerging Opportunities (AEO) Contract after an impactful five years. AEO was awarded to Integra to provide analytical services to the USAID Asia Bureau and its missions. It offered data and analysis to respond to development opportunities and challenges, support policy and program development, and enhance collaboration and capacity building across various sectors. These objectives collectively supported USAID’s efforts to promote sustainable development and address emerging Asian challenges. Given the flexible nature of AEO, the team was uniquely suited to respond to the evolving bureau needs, rapidly responding to COVID-19 and changing United States Government interests represented by new policies such as the Indo-Pacific and Digital Strategies.

Integra delivered 23 activities encompassing many practice areas, including development analytics, innovations, and blended learning. Those activities reached Missions in 35 countries, and some resulted in long-term technical engagements. Program evaluation and data analysis were key underlying components of the activities. Equally relevant and important was an emphasis on and requirement for learning, knowledge management, and dissemination of evaluation and research results. Beyond analysis, Integra built capacity and disseminated knowledge and evidence through learning initiatives across the Asia Bureau and numerous Missions. The AEO team provided diverse technical skills and exceptional project management, emphasizing transparency and responsiveness to client needs. Task orders developed at the activity level were staffed with experienced experts, logistics coordinators, and facilitators. Integra also provided outstanding project schedule, financial, and logistical management and support (for example, virtual solutions to COVID-19 restrictions, procurement, data management, and travel coordination), demonstrated through consistent, successful service delivery.

In recent years, Vietnam has prioritized enhancing its infrastructure through strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors. Recognizing the pivotal role of these partnerships, USAID/Vietnam has collaborated closely with local stakeholders to bolster the regulatory framework and capacity necessary for successful Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). A cornerstone of this effort has been the partnership with the American Economic Officers team, leveraging their expertise to support initiatives crucial to Vietnam’s development agenda.

Supporting Vietnam’s PPP Ecosystem

At the request of USAID/Vietnam, AEO has been instrumental in fortifying Vietnam’s PPP ecosystem, focusing on key areas such as regulatory enhancement, capacity building, and fostering sustainable business models. Building upon the groundwork laid by Integra under the Learning Evaluation and Analysis Project (LEAP III), AEO’s intervention has strengthened the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (VCCI) role as the linchpin for coordinating domestic and international private sector engagements in PPPs.

Capacity Building Initiatives

AEO’s commitment to capacity building is evident in their series of workshops and training sessions tailored to empower local stakeholders. Notably, the PPP Skills Camp equipped participants from diverse sectors with essential knowledge on dispute resolution in PPPs. This initiative, held in collaboration with the Vietnam International Arbitration Center (VIAC), aimed to enhance VIAC’s capacity to handle disputes related to infrastructure projects—a crucial aspect in ensuring the sustainability and attractiveness of PPP ventures to investors.

Regulatory Advancements and Stakeholder Engagement

In February 2023, Integra organized a roundtable discussion on PPP regulations, highlighting challenges and proposing solutions to optimize the PPP legal framework. This session, attended by key government officials and industry experts, underscored the collaborative effort needed to streamline PPP processes and foster a conducive environment for private sector participation.

Innovative Financing Solutions

The AEO Team extends to exploring innovative financing mechanisms for infrastructure projects. Through comprehensive research and stakeholder consultations, Integra has developed reports advocating for the mobilization of new financing sources, including insights on recycling government assets—an approach successfully implemented globally but underutilized in Vietnam.

InvestBridge Platform: Empowering Provincial Growth

Under the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) initiative, the AEO Team partnered with local firm OneNet JSC to develop the InvestBridge platform. This digital platform serves as a connection point for provincial growth by facilitating connections among investors, advisors, and local authorities. InvestBridge streamlines how provinces attract and manage investments, thereby bolstering Vietnam’s economic landscape.

Looking Ahead

AEO’s support underscores USAID’s commitment to fostering sustainable development in Vietnam. By empowering local institutions, refining regulatory frameworks, and fostering stakeholder collaboration, the work accomplished under AEO has laid a robust foundation for Vietnam to achieve its infrastructure development goals. As the partnership culminated in December 2023, the focus remained on ensuring the sustainability and inclusivity of Vietnam’s economic growth trajectory through strategic PPPs and enhanced provincial competitiveness.

For more information on AEO, please visit our AEO Contract Profile. 

Democracy has been declining across Asia and the Pacific for more than ten years. Many believe information disorder or “disinformation”—a term in which distorted and manipulated information is ubiquitous—is playing a role in destabilizing democracy across the region. The USAID/Asia Bureau wanted to understand how distorted information contributes to unchecked and unaccountable power in Asia and the Pacific. They engaged Integra (under the Asia Emerging Opportunities contract) to analyze how information disorder may be affirming authoritarianism in Asia and the Pacific. Integra is a small business known for its capacity to rapidly assemble expert teams and produce actionable reports, assessments, and strategies for complex international development issue.

Integra approached this question through a series of in-depth country studies identifying supply- and demand-side factors contributing to information disorder at the national and sub-national levels. The study countries included the Kyrgyz Republic, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand—representing regime types ranging from relatively democratic political systems to de facto military dictatorships. Five regional experts conducted desk-based research, consulting open-source documents (academic books and peer-reviewed journal articles), think tank reports, publicly available government documents, and broadcast, print, and social media publications. In addition, the experts accessed and explored grey literature, unofficial documents, and other materials not readily available but drawn from their experience and local networks. Integra’s experts supplemented collected research and data with key informant interviews sourced from on the ground networks.

The analysis confirmed an extensive history and growing impact of information manipulation for political ends in Asia and the Pacific, focused almost exclusively on influencing operations by states in other states. The most sophisticated disinformation campaigns identify cleavages and rifts unique to a society. Constructed around local fears and anxieties, they can insert themselves into a political arena. China and Russia, in particular, are often singled out as dominant sources of information manipulation across the region, while actors in the United States and Western Europe also play roles in the region’s information disorder. The ultimate analysis revealed a more complex picture of current information disorder compared to historical trends.

In recent years, Integra identified that the disinformation landscape has seen an outward and downward shift of power. For example, politically motivated players with no direct links to regional governments and actors manipulating information for purely financial reasons play increasingly important roles in distorting information. Furthermore, information disorder varies among countries based on mediation from national contexts. This suggests that mitigation strategies to contain and counter information disorder must be tailored to specific local contexts. There are no silver bullets.

Study findings also identified that information disorder may be as much a consequence as a cause of the democratic decline. Focusing on improving the institutions and socio-economic structures on which democracies in Asia and the Pacific rest, rather than on technology, may yield the most effective mitigation strategies in the long term.
Integra’s assessment identified the need for mitigation strategies must be multi-faceted. To be effective, efforts should pursue holistic approaches that consider the many interconnected dimensions of information disorder. Mitigation strategies also need to focus on political and economic conditions rather than just the technical aspects of information disorder. Finally, they should be tailored to the local contexts to contain and counter-information disorder. This localization may also effectively respond to the challenge put forward by the USAID Administrator Samantha Power to engage with small partner organizations in each country.

These findings helped USAID to understand the causes and consequences of information disorder in Asia and the Pacific, identify strategies to effectively address the issues in the region, and adapt and replicate these solutions worldwide.

Position: Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Short Term Senior Technical Advisor


Location: Remote (with potential travel to Laos)

Integra is an innovative international development firm established in 2010 to bring creative solutions to 21st century challenges.  Headquartered in Washington, DC we use academically grounded analytical tools and private sector partnerships to address key development challenges in the areas of economic growth, agriculture and food security, and information and communication technology.  Our work has resulted in effective project implementation and policy reforms in over 30 countries and has leveraged over one billion dollars in public and private sector funding.


Position Description

The short term senior technical advisor will lead the design and drafting process for the new Democracy, Human Right and Governance – Strengthening the Oversight Capacity of Provincial Assembly (SOPA) program for USAID/Laos.  The advisor will support USAID/Laos in drafting the concept note and program description, including any supporting documentation required for the procurement package.  Additional responsibilities include organizing and facilitating stakeholder engagement and/or co-creation processes, as necessary.



  • Conduct preliminary review of the Government of Laos’ governance and parliamentary-related national policies, strategies, planning documents, and other relevant literature, as well as develop a list of stakeholders and key informants with whom to engage and consult.
  • Facilitate stakeholder engagement activities, co-creation meetings with development partners and the Government of Laos, along with identifying and mapping development activities carried out by the National Assembly, donors, and non-governmental organization (NGO) partners.
  • Lead drafting process with USAID/Laos for the concept note for the SOPA program.
  • Prepare a Program Description/Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) or other relevant acquisition or assistance tool and supporting documentation for the procurement package.
  • Hold weekly meetings with the Health and Governance Office, to review progress, resolve any issues and coordinate the writing process.
  • Coordinate across design teams to ensure the completion of key deliverables.  This includes management of logistics, writing meeting agendas, leading discussions, among other tasks, in collaboration with USAID/Laos and technical support teams.
  • Assist in presenting the Concept Note and/or Program Design to internal and external audiences.
  • Conduct a Rapid Political Economy Assessment (RPEA) to contextualize the effects of the political landscape on related Mission programming.


  • Significant experience in the technical design and writing of Local Governance and Parliamentary programs;
  • Effective team leadership, coordination and facilitation skills and the ability to work effectively as a member of a multi-disciplinary governance sector team (decentralization, local governance, rule of law, parliamentary, for example);
  • Advanced degree in governance preferred and strong analytical and communication (written and facilitation) skills.  The ideal candidate has employment history that demonstrates extensive writing experience, and an ability to craft information succinctly with a high degree of technical depth;
  • Extensive knowledge of parliamentary systems, local governance, key global governance interventions and trends, and substantial extensive experience designing programs; and
  • Extensive knowledge of USG governance programming and policies in Asia (preference for experience working on programs for Laos or similar settings in South East Asia).


To Apply Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to Please include “Associate” in the subject line of the e-mail. No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


USAID is seeking to place an experienced economic policy expert as an embedded Senior Advisor in the office of Timor-Leste’s Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs (MCAE). The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs assists the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in coordinating and supervising the members of Government responsible for implementing policies for economic governance areas including: the Ministry for Commerce, Tourism, and Industry; the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries; the Secretary of State for Employment and Vocational Training; the Secretary of State for Cooperatives; and the Secretary of State for the Environment. The MCAE also has oversight authority for 9 Government Autonomous Agencies and the state owned National Commercial Bank of Timor-Leste (BNCTL) Working with the Government of Timor-Leste, USAID has identified three broad baskets that capture the most pressing constraints to growth, diversification, and recovery: 1) Infrastructure, 2) Capacity Building, and 3) Business Enabling Environment.


The Senior Advisor will support MCAE in drafting policy options, policies, laws, regulations or protocols and advise on how to assess effectiveness of implementation efforts related to policies and regulations addressing identified constraints to efforts promoting a more diversified economy on its path to recovery and WTO accession.


USAID, through the Asia Emerging Opportunities mechanism, will bring onboard the Senior Economic Advisor and be responsible for supervision. As the Advisor works under the guidance of the Coordinator of Technical Team, the AEO team will ensure that the Advisor works collaboratively with both USAID and MCAE. Whenever appropriate, the Senior Economic Advisor will also work collaboratively with the Legal and Policy Advisor, the sector-specific Technical Specialists and the Technical Support Team.


Required Qualifications

  • 15 years of experience in analysis, implementation, and/or development of economic policy;
  • Expertise in economic policy as it relates to growth and diversification, in particular: prioritizing infrastructure options, expanding domestic commerce and trade; fostering entrepreneurship, increasing FDI and domestic investment, job creation, and economic inclusion for women and youth;
  • Familiarity with the economics of international trade and the ASEAN and/or WTO accession process;
  • Demonstrated ability to build relationships and create consensus between governmental and non-governmental stakeholders;
  • Demonstrated ability to foster relationships across high-level government operating units and coordinate complex, policy-focused work;
  • Familiarity with the economic policy and trade environment in the region;
  • Public policy competency required in economic development, preferably in a governmental environment;
  • Bilingual English/Portuguese: Reading/Writing/Speaking.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Expertise on agricultural policy and natural resource management policy a plus;
  • Familiarity with the US Government’s strategic and economic interests in the region, as defined by the Indo-Pacific Strategy;
  • Experience working with USAID or other donor agencies or implementing partners on economic policy programs;
  • Experience or familiarity working in Timor-Leste or a similar context;
  • Demonstrated experience in capacity building, coaching, mentoring and staff development preferably in a developing country environment.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Advise, mentor, assist and develop technical expertise of the MCAE in exercising its executive and governance functions, particularly in the areas of economy and development with a focus on the achievements of the following results:

  • Provide technical advice to the MCAE according to its mandate in policies and coordination processes in the areas of economy and development, as required;
  • Coordinate the drafting and submission of a Guide to Economic Reform and Growth (GRFE) for the period 2021 – 2023, with a focus on economic pillars and axes of reform needed to implement the Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2030 (SDP);
  • Provide evidence-based advice to the MCAE, particularly in the areas of economy and development aligned with the Timor-Leste’s National Strategic Plan;
  • Provide technical guidance to relevant Focal Points of MCAE in conducting line Ministries coordination and in following-up on the recommendations arising from them;
  • Provide technical support to the MCAE to coordinate the line Ministries, Secretary of States and Autonomous Agencies which are under coordination of MCAE in the implementation of national plans, budgets and strategies related to economic  development;
  • Assists in analyzing National Economic Plan, Budget execution reports from the economic development perspective;
  • Support the MCAE in drafting technical opinions, analysis and reports, as required;
  • Engage with the MCAE and its coordinating entities to develop skills of staff, as required;
  • Advise the MCAE on international governmental best practices, in the areas of economy and development; and
  • Public policy competence required in economic development, preferably in a parliamentary environment.

Behavioral Competencies:

  • Team player with effective interpersonal skills
  • Energetic, positive and constructive attitude


To Apply Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to Please include “Associate” in the subject line of the e-mail. No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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